
Designed By: Native Butterfly Flowers

Installed By: Native Butterfly Flowers

Started: 4-6 years ago

Percentage of Native Plants: 50%

Amount of Sun and Shade: Mixed sun/shade

Unique Features and Animals: Large dedicated butterfly landscaping adjacent to pool and firepit.

• Birds–cardinal, scrub jay, hawk, crane, redheaded woodpecker, mourning dove, hummingbird, mockingbird, etc)
• Insects–honey bees, wasps, butterflies (sulphur, zebra longwing, giant tiger swallowtail, monarch, etc),
• Reptiles–snake (racer, corn), lizard (green and others)
• Mammals–deer (sometimes), squirrel, rabbit

Landscape Description: Live within an HOA on a 1 acre lot. I try to keep the most visible parts to be sensibly landscaped (for HOA), but “behind the scenes” I have a more wild setting that includes a mix of native landscaping, native fruit/vegetable trees/edibles, and small box vegetable garden where I grow Florida-friendly veggies.

Challenges: At the beginning I was too excited and just started planting without regard to sun/water/etc. No real plan (due to lack of knowledge). Doing too much too soon…tough to keep up.


Parking Restrictions: